This is such an excellent buttonhole! It allows you to make the exact size opening you need to accommodate your buttons. When worked in the body of regular knitting, it will be horizontal. When worked in a band that has been picked up, it will be vertical.
To determine the size of your buttonhole, lay your button on the knitted fabric and count the number of stitches it lays across. If the button you’re using is 4 stitches wide, make a 3-stitch buttonhole. If your button is 5 stitches wide, make a 4-stitch buttonhole, etc.
Here are the instructions. Give it a try!
- Work desired number of stitches before buttonhole.
- With yarn in back, slip one stitch as if to knit through the back loop.
- Slip another stitch as if to knit through the back loop. Pass the previous stitch over this one. (One stitch is bound-off.) Repeat Step 3 until the desired number of stitches has been bound-off for the buttonhole.
- Slip the last stitch on the right needle to the left needle. Turn work. Move yarn to the back of work.
- Using Cable Cast-On Method, cast-on the number of stitches bound off, plus one. Before placing the last cast on loop on the left needle, bring the yarn to the front of the work between the needles. Now put the last stitch on the left needle. Turn work.
- Slip the first stitch on the right needle to the left needle. Knit 2 together firmly. (This counts as the first stitch worked between buttonholes.)
Remember, buttonholes are on the right side for women and the left side for men. I usually begin my buttonholes 2-3 stitches into the band and allow for another 2-3 stitches after the last buttonhole.