We also had fun seeing all our friends at the show! Thanks for stopping by to say "hi" and show us your support! You are greatly appreciated!
I was so happy with the way our booth came together; we had such a colorful and cheerful space. A great big THANK YOU to the vendors who were represented at The Naked Sheep's booth:
Bob and Meghan, The Spinner's Web
Sharon, Stitchjones
Kevin and Laurie, Woolpets
Karie, Silverpurl
LaVon, Bead & Purl
Bradley, Sheep Thoughts
Universal Yarn
All of these great companies are represented at The Naked Sheep Knit Shop year round! Stop by and check out what they have to offer!
Laurie's book signing of Wool Pets in our booth on Saturday afternoon went fabulously. She signed many books, and demonstrated needle felting. It drew quite a crowd. We enjoyed spending some time with Laurie and her husband, Kevin, on Friday evening.
Bob and Meghan were troopers and spent hours demonstrating at their spinning wheel. What a great team! Their display of handspun and handpainted yarns was simply stupendous! And we moved that entire lovely display to The Naked Sheep. So if you didn't get a chance to come to the show, stop by and feel and touch and even smell their lovely yarns! There is plenty for everyone to take a skein home!
And a special thanks to Bradley, with whom I couldn't live without! What a huge help and support he was, as always! And ever the entertainer! He can always make me smile. Thanks, honey!