Wednesday, May 30, 2012

We Have a Winner!

By unanimous vote, Venezia Sport is the winner for my Petal Lace Cardigan!

And here is how it's knitting nice!  

Join us on Saturdays from 1-4pm as we knit up this summery cardigan together!  As always, our knit-a-longs are free; and we have lots of pretty yarn choices available at The Naked Sheep Knit Shop.  

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Too Many Choices! Please Help!

Hello my knitting friends...I need your help making a choice!

We are starting a new Knit-A-Long this weekend at The Naked Sheep Knit Shop, the Petal Lace Cardigan from the new Spring/Summer Knitty.  It's so pretty, and will be very fun to knit up!

Here's my dilema...I have 3 yarns in my stash that would be perfect for this sweater, all in different shades of - you guessed it - PINK!!!

Venezia Sport is a super soft blend of Merino Wool and Silk, and I just love this cranberry color!

Sublime Egyptian Cotton is a silky soft and shiny cotton in this pretty mulberry color.

And Ultra Pima Quatro from Cascade Yarns is such a fun shade of 4 different pinks twisted together.

You can understand my dilemma, I'm sure!  Please vote by leaving a comment below, and help me make my decision!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Straight From the Heart...

Brad Clark, our VP of Everything at The Naked Sheep Knit Shop, shared his touching story, Straight From the Heart, last night at Portland Story Theater's Solo Festival, Singlehandedly!  As usual, Brad's amazing sense of humor and comedic timing entertained the audience as he shared his story of his recent heart scare.  I lived this frightening story with him, and was very glad to be sitting in the audience listening to him share his story!

The food was amazing, as usual!  And there were plenty of delicious drinks available.

And the other tellers were awesome!  I enjoyed each one, and came away with such good feelings!  If you've never had a chance to attend a storytelling event before, you are truly missing out!

Thanks to the founders of Portland Story Theater, Lynne Duddy and Lawrence Howard, for continuing to share their own stories; and for helping others to be able to tell theirs!