Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Knit Some Squares with Kristin!

Hello Knitters!

We are just wrapping up another amazing year of the Square of the Month Afghan and The Great American Aran Afghan.   These 21 students have been working hard to create some amazing heirloom afghans – and they’ve learned MUCH along the way.

I would like to welcome you to join me for this great adventure in 2015!  This is a fun class to take with a friend, sibling, or coworker!  We meet just once a month for two hours. 

Because these classes are so popular, we are opening up registration NOW.  Space is limited!

Here’s what these classes have to offer:

The Square of the Month Afghan (1 class per month, 12 months)
Suitable for knitters and purlers of all levels. Each month I will teach you the basics of a technique in a 10” x 10” square. This is a FANTASTIC way to take your knitting and purling skills to the next level in a bite-sized way! These 2-hour workshops will take place on the first Sunday or Monday of each month. Some of the things you’ll learn include…
·         Log Cabin
·         Lace
·         Cables
·         Chart Reading
·         Entrelac
·         Short Rows
·         Knitting in the Round
·         Fair Isle
·         Mosaic
·         Intarsia
·         Shadow Knitting
·         Crochet (yes, really!)
·         Weaving in Ends
·         Picking up Stitches
·         Much, much more!

You will receive all the patterns in class as part of your registration fee.

The Great American Afghan (1 class per month, 24 months)
Suitable for the intermediate knitter. This stunning heirloom afghan has intrigued me (and many of you) for years.   In this class, we will be meeting on the third Tuesday of each month throughout 2015 and 2016.  In each class, I will provide fully charted patterns, teach technique, share insight, troubleshoot problems, and much more!  This is a great project to knit with the support of a community!

Call the shop to sign-up! (503) 283-2004

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Gingham Cowl

Just finished weaving in the ends of my Gingham Cowl, a class I'll be offering this fall at The Naked Sheep Knit Shop.

This double knit project was super fun to make; it was like knitting a puzzle! A very good exercise for my brain!

I also learned to do an I-cord cast-on, as well as an I-cord bind-off. Always great to learn new ways to do things!

I used Cascade 220, and it worked really well for this technique. Want to learn double knitting? Sign up for the Gingham Cowl on Wednesdays evenings in December!

Call the shop to sign up...503.283.2004

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

My Favorite Smoothie Recipe

Lately, smoothies have become a routine part of my mornings. They're quick and easy to make, and full of healthy and delicious things!

Here's my favorite, go-to morning smoothie recipe:
1 cup water
1/4 avocado
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
1 tsp fresh grated ginger
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 TBSP ground flaxseed
1 TBSP almond butter

So nummy! This morning I added a small banana, and it's extra sweet and delicious! And I love the new Blender Bottle I found at New Seasons. Pretty AND useful!

Share your favorite smoothie recipes with me on Facebook; or send to cheri@thenakedsheepknitshop.com

Cheers to our health and happiness!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Finished Three Pointed Love Shawls

I've had several customers bring in their finished Three Pointed Love shawls to show me. This was our knitting design at The Naked Sheep Knit Shop for the 2014 Rose City Yarn Crawl.

These are 2 of my favorites! Thanks for sharing Alisa and Andi...Love the embellishments!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Make It Happen!

A wise woman once said, "It will never happen, unless YOU make it happen". Well, I've been wanting to develop as a designer, and get more patterns published; and I realize that it's time for ME to make that happen!

I'm going to be working on a line of dog sweaters and accessories, as well as completing several baby blanket patterns that I've been working on. Riley won't be opening his own sweater shop on the corner, but he will be modeling sweaters for me!

Watch The Naked Sheep Knit Shop's Online Pattern Store for new designs coming soon!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Maipo Chunky Infinity Scarf

This infinity scarf was so fun and quick to make! The yarn is so soft and squishy!

I used a size 13-32" inch circular needle (about 2 stitches = 1 inch) and 3 skeins of Maipo from Auracania Yarns. We have all 14 amazing colorways in stock at The Naked Sheep.

Here's what to do:  Cast on 120 stitches, place marker and join in the round.

Round 1:  Knit 1, purl 1; repeat to end of round.
Round 2:  Slip 1, purl 1; repeat to end of round.

Repeat the last 2 rounds 7 more times.

Round 1:  Knit.

Round 2:  Purl.

Repeat the last 2 rounds 7 more times.

Bind-off using a nice stretchy bind-off. Block if desired, or just put it on and wear it proudly!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Free Pattern! Sunseeker Cowl and Infinity Scarf

As promised, here is the pattern for my Sunseeker Cowl and Infinity Scarf!

For the Cowl:  You'll need one skein each of Sunseeker Multis (MC) and Sunseeker Solids (CC) that complement each other.

Using MC and a size 5-24" circular needle, cast on 120 stitches. Place marker, join in the round and knit 10 rounds. Change to CC and knit 1 round, then purl 9 rounds.

Repeat last 20 rounds 3 more times. Change to MC and knit 10 rounds.

Bind-off as follows:  Knit 2, *insert left hand needle into fronts of these 2 sts from left to right and knit them off together through the back loop. One stitch is bound off. Knit 1; repeat from * to end of row. I recently learned this stretchy bind-off from Michele Bernstein, and it is pure genius!

For the Infinity Scarf: You'll need 3 skeins of Sunseeker Multis.

Using a size 5-32" (or longer) circular needle, cast on 240 stitches. Place marker, join in the round and knit 10 rounds. Purl 10 rounds.

Repeat last 20 rounds 3 more times. Knit 10 rounds.

Bind-off as for Cowl. Weave in ends and Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

My Lovely Api One-Skein Cowl

New yarn arrived at The Naked Sheep Knit Shop last week, and of course I had to make something with it! Since the Rose City Yarn Crawl is coming up this weekend, I decided to design a One-Skein Cowl to feature the yarn.

Here are the details!

I used just one skein of Api (from Mirasol) and a size 8-24" circular needle. I got a gauge of 4.5 stitches to the inch.  Adjust your needles accordingly.

Loosely cast on 90 stitches, place beginning of round marker and join in the round. Knit one round.

Next Round:  Purl 1, knit 44, place mid-round marker, purl 1, knit 44.
Next Round:  Purl 2, knit 43, slip mid-round marker, purl 2, knit 43.
Next Round:  Purl 3, knit 42, slip mid-round marker, purl 3, knit 42.

Continue in this fashion, until you are purling all the stitches.

Bind off using a stretchy bind-off; like Jeny's Surprisingly Stretchy Bind-Off.

Enjoy!  And I hope to see you this weekend!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Soft and Squishy Zig Zag Scarf

I used 3 skeins of Cascade Baby Alpaca Chunky and size 10 needles to make this scarf; and it has a really great soft and cozy feel to it!

Find the pattern on our website! Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Free Patterns Coming Soon!

Here's a sneak preview of the 2 FREE Patterns you'll have a chance to score at The Naked Sheep Knit Shop during the Rose City Yarn Crawl in less than 3 weeks!  The crawl is Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday (February 27, 28, March 1 and 2).  For details on the crawl, check out the Rose City Yarn Crawl's website!

Three Pointed Love, designed by Cheri Clark, is our free knitting pattern;

and The Overlook House Cowl, designed by Natalie Laderas-Kilkenny, is our free crochet pattern.

Hope to see you during the crawl!